Sunday 13 October 2013

Namaz ki Fazilat

Namaz ki Fazilat

Jabir bin Abdullah (رضى الله عنه) reported that the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: "The similitude of five prayers is like an overflowing river passing by the gate of one of you which he washes five times daily."
Sahih Muslim Book of Salaah Hadith no. 1411
Narrated Abdullah bin Umar (رضى الله عنهما): The reward of the congregational salaah is twenty-seven times more (than that of the salaah offered by a person alone).
Sahih Bukhari, Book of Adhaan, Hadith No. 649
namaz ki fazilat
It was narrated from Abu Hurairah (رضى الله عنه) that the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: "If the people knew what there is (of reward) in the call (to prayer) and the first row, and they could find no other way then drawing lots, then they would draw lots. If they know what there is (of reward) in coming early to prayer, they would compete for it. If they knew what there is (of reward) in 'Isha' and 'Fajr' prayer, they would come to them even if they had to crawl."
Sahih Muslim, Book of Prayers, Hadith No. 981

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